
In early 2020, World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID-19 infection by SARS-COV-2, a pandemic. The pandemic has spread to two hundred countries globally as of July 2020 and is a major concern of governments worldwide and citizens of all countries. Disinfecting surfaces and objects that people frequently touch helps in reducing the spread of any virus and infection.

What is sanitization & why it is required?
Sanitizing is cleaning an article and any surface of some or all of the pathogens which may cause infection.

Why Now?
The outbreak of Pandemic cases of viruses and bacterial infections.

Phoenix Pest Control’s Santization Services

In order to be successful, certain preparations from the customer site are required. Client has to ensure all important or sensitive equipment are removed or covered with plastic sheets (non-removable items), e.g. computers, research tools and equipments.  Client needs to do a normal cleaning before and after our treatment because there will be some minimal stains after the ventilation process is completed.
The enclosed treatment areas need to be quarantined for a minimum of three hours. Our trained technicians will be fully equipped with a proper PPE for this treatment.

Sanitizing will be carried out with sanitizing agent, using Ultra Low Volume misting machines (ULV). The enclosed treatment area will be exposed with the solution for a minimum of three hours. Premise is ready to use after three hours of the treatment.

The Way of Pest Control

Phoenix Pest Control is consistent in its processes and pest control strategies. This is how we’ve gained the trust and patronage of some of the leaders in several industries in Mumbai. We are your partners in industrial-free and pest-free properties. We keep your investment safe and uncompromised.

Our work starts when we sit down with you to discuss your pest problem. Each scenario is different and we want to ensure that the advice we provide is the best fit for your requirements. Our services are custom-designed to your specific needs. No approach is the same because no situation is the same.
Phoenix Pest Control will schedule a visit to your premises. Our experienced team will look at every nook and cranny, as well as known and possible problem areas where you can be experiencing termite (and other pests) infestations. Inspections allow us to fully assess your situation. Likewise, it gives us a purview of your problem areas; that is, where you are compromised and can experience future issues.
We assess your needs based on our consultation and ocular inspection, and design a solution that’s custom-fit to your requirements. Safe Spray Pest Control strives to provide you with the best-fit pest control solution. This means that, from the materials and equipment we use to the strategies that we employ, you get a solution to your pest control problem that’s effective, cost-efficient, and environmentally-safe.
We will confer with you regarding our suggested pest control solution and extermination procedures. Once we agree on our approach, our team of experts and tradesmen will come in and work on your premises. This can mean a temporary evacuation of your living of business space. We want to make sure that you, your space and your stocks/ belongings are safe and secure. Rest assured, we work thoroughly and promptly. You can look forward to be being back at home or work in no time!
Phoenix Pest Control is all about solutions that not only rid your property of termites and pests temporarily. Our solutions are designed to stop and even reverse your current infestation situation. Our goal is always to rid your space of pests, and implement strategies that prevent future pest problems.
Don’t settle for pest control solutions that are only effective temporarily. This is a waste of money and isn’t really the best approach to true pest control. At Safe Spray Pest Control, we provide you with pest prevention measures, alongside our extermination services. Because, for us, it doesn’t end with just ridding your property of its current pest. We are your partners in fortifying your investment, and in making sure it stays pristine and uncompromised