Mosquito Control
Mosquito control is the task of managing the population of mosquitoes to reduce their damage to human health, economies, and enjoyment of mosquito-ridden areas. Mosquito control is a vital public-health practice because mosquitoes spread many diseases such as malaria, dengue and chickengunya.

Phoenix Pest Control’s Mosquito Solutions
Residual spraying
In this treatment, we spray a colorless and odorless insecticide on the walls. The insecticide is harmless for human beings. The mosquitoes sit on the wall, come in contact with the insecticide and die. This mosquito control treatment is effective for 15-30 days. This treatment can be done in both residential and commercial areas.
Recommended below services for the common area of Residential & commercial property
Thermal fogging – Mosquito Control
This is a process initiated to control air-borne adult mosquitoes. Thermal fogging is an effective method to keep away adult mosquitoes. The chemically infused aqueous liquid is dispensed in the air at low volume to create an invisible chemical cloud that targets flying or resting mosquitoes. The ideal time for fogging is during dusk and dawn hours.
Larvae – Mosquito Control
An efficient way for mosquito control is to find and eliminate their larval habitat eliminating large larval development sites (source reduction) such as swamps or sluggishly moving streams or ditches may require community-wide effort. They might impound an area of water, establish ditches or canals or control the aquatic weeds on a body of water.
Receiving the wrong advice could cost your home or business! Tell Us About Your Mosquito Situation for Expert Advice that You Can Trust.
The Way of Pest Control
Phoenix Pest Control is consistent in its processes and pest control strategies. This is how we’ve gained the trust and patronage of some of the leaders in several industries in Mumbai. We are your partners in industrial-free and pest-free properties. We keep your investment safe and uncompromised.