Bed Bugs Control

Bed bugs are pesky pests that pose potential health risks to you, your loved ones, as well as employees and guests. For certain businesses, such as hotels, bed bugs represent a major reputation risk. You don’t want to be known for bed bug infestation. At the earliest sign of infestation, you need to take action.

Why Do you need Bed Bugs Pest Control ?

  • Bed bugs are those pests that, once they make themselves known, you will be constantly be reminded of their presence. Nothing is as uncomfortable as sleeping in a bed riddled with bed bugs. They make sleeping an almost impossible feat!
  • For the hospitality, tourism and even service industries, bed bugs are bad news. These businesses simply cannot take bed bugs for granted. They shouldn’t have to wait for their customers to complain before they do something about it.
  • You need bed bugs pest control when your business relies on happy and comfortable clients. Don’t take this real and common pest issue for granted. And, don’t let it ruin the good reputation you’ve built for your business.

Phoenix Pest Control’s Bed Bugs Solutions

The Phoenix Pest Control team recommends several approaches to controlling your bed bug infestation. We will start with a thorough assessment of the extent, severity, and location of infestations. The team will then recommend the best solutions. We always follow through with our treatment with regular scheduled monitoring and reporting.

Phoenix Pest Control provides you with comprehensive solutions to your bed bug pest problems.

  • For effective control of bed bugs, we use specialized chemicals to treat beds and clothes.
  • PHOENIX’S trained team thoroughly inspects your premises for eggs and if spotted, we crush and remove them. Further, we treat all the likely hideouts of the bed bugs to maximize the chance of eliminating bed bugs from your home.
  • We carefully spray pesticide on all items in the vicinity of a bed bug infestation including baseboards, floor and wall junctions, tack strips under carpets, electrical outlets and switches, cracks in the walls and floors, wall-mounted items and structural voids. In case of wooden bed or wooden furniture oil based chemical spray and pesticide is used we execute treatment in a combination of oil and water-based chemicals.
  • In some cases where the infestation is more, the treatment has to be repeated as and when required.

Receiving the wrong advice could cost your home or business! Tell Us About Your Bed Bugs Situation for Expert Advice that You Can Trust.

The Way of Pest Control

Phoenix Pest Control is consistent in its processes and pest control strategies. This is how we’ve gained the trust and patronage of some of the leaders in several industries in Mumbai. We are your partners in industrial-free and pest-free properties. We keep your investment safe and uncompromised.

Our work starts when we sit down with you to discuss your pest problem. Each scenario is different and we want to ensure that the advice we provide is the best fit for your requirements. Our services are custom-designed to your specific needs. No approach is the same because no situation is the same.
Phoenix Pest Control will schedule a visit to your premises. Our experienced team will look at every nook and cranny, as well as known and possible problem areas where you can be experiencing termite (and other pests) infestations. Inspections allow us to fully assess your situation. Likewise, it gives us a purview of your problem areas; that is, where you are compromised and can experience future issues.
We assess your needs based on our consultation and ocular inspection, and design a solution that’s custom-fit to your requirements. Safe Spray Pest Control strives to provide you with the best-fit pest control solution. This means that, from the materials and equipment we use to the strategies that we employ, you get a solution to your pest control problem that’s effective, cost-efficient, and environmentally-safe.
We will confer with you regarding our suggested pest control solution and extermination procedures. Once we agree on our approach, our team of experts and tradesmen will come in and work on your premises. This can mean a temporary evacuation of your living of business space. We want to make sure that you, your space and your stocks/ belongings are safe and secure. Rest assured, we work thoroughly and promptly. You can look forward to be being back at home or work in no time!
Phoenix Pest Control is all about solutions that not only rid your property of termites and pests temporarily. Our solutions are designed to stop and even reverse your current infestation situation. Our goal is always to rid your space of pests, and implement strategies that prevent future pest problems.
Don’t settle for pest control solutions that are only effective temporarily. This is a waste of money and isn’t really the best approach to true pest control. At Safe Spray Pest Control, we provide you with pest prevention measures, alongside our extermination services. Because, for us, it doesn’t end with just ridding your property of its current pest. We are your partners in fortifying your investment, and in making sure it stays pristine and uncompromised